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Fantastic from beginning to end. I am extremely pleased with the results. Tailor made to your requirements with total confidence in your the out come. I was so happy with the first surgery I book my second immediately after. Both have resulted in perfection. You’re definitely in safe hands with this amazing surgeon. Plus her PA communication skills are outstanding with every question answered immediately which makes you feel safe. I personally would highly recommend to anyone thinking of surgery
ali gordon
ali gordon
La Dr Patricia es la mejor no solo por sus resultados pero por su trato personal con cada paciente. Es importante que un cirujano se tome el tiempo con sus pacientes y entienda bien lo que quieren. Los resultados de la Dr Patricia son tan naturales que ni se nota que uno tuvo cirugia. Tambien la atencion de su enfermera Maria es de otro nivel. Siempre al tanto preguntando y apoyando antes y despues de cirugia. Las dos son un amor como personas y profesionalmente son lo maximo.
Grace Okane
Grace Okane
I had thought about getting cosmetic surgery to boost my flagging confidence ever since having my last child 17 years ago. I had searched the length and breadth of the cosmetic surgery industry to find the perfect surgeon for me and while I have met many good surgeons in my endeavours over the years, none quite made me feel that they were the right surgeon for me. That is until I met the outstanding DRA Patricia and her wonderful team co-ordinated by lovely Maria! I travelled over from Ireland for a free consultation and I immediately knew that DRA Patricia was my perfect surgeon that I had been searching for! Not only are her surgical and medical skills exceptional, her wonderful warm, caring and compassionate nature made me feel totally convinced about my decision. Having worked as a surgical nurse myself for many years, I can tell you categorically that such a highly skilled surgeon that is gifted with such a caring bedside manner at the same time is extremely rare! ! Dra Patricia has these skills in abundance and is truly gifted! My whole procedure went very smoothly from start to finish and the care I received from all her team was amazing! I’m over the moon with my results so far and have already booked my next procedure with her. The results are so elegant and subtle, yet highly effective; that those around me notice I look better but can’t quite believe I’ve had surgery due to the natural results! If you are thinking of having cosmetic surgery; look no further than DRA Patricia and her team, you will not find better anywhere else. I travelled over from Ireland to Valencia to have her perform my surgery, but the truth is I would travel to the other side of the world for her to be my surgeon ! You should too ; you’ll not regret your decision!
Loraine Elliott
Loraine Elliott
I had a Wonderful Experience with Dr Parricia I had a face lift and tummy tuck so Fabulous so subtle I am absolutely delighted I will be back Thank you to Wonderful Dr Patricia and her lovely assistant Maria thank you both very much much I am thrilled
Nevra Nevra
Nevra Nevra
Me fui a la consulta por los comentarios en internet y al principio tenía dudas pero de verdad me han resuelto todas mis dudas con mucha profesionalidad y me generó un ambiente de confianza y comodidad durante toda la consulta. Fue una experiencia muy positiva, respetuosa y cercana. La doctora es encantadora y su equipo es muy amable. Lo recomiendo sin duda. Buket.
Chelo Quiles
Chelo Quiles
Contenta con el resultado de la Dra Patricia y muy atenta María siempre que he tenido alguna duda.
Jose juan Verdu Monzonis
Jose juan Verdu Monzonis
Mi experiencia tras la cirugía pectoral ha sido muy buena. Confié en el trabajo de la Dra. Patricia y su equipo y definitivamente he quedado muy satisfecho con el resultado y con todo el proceso. Son grandes profesionales.
Sergio Díaz Talavera
Sergio Díaz Talavera
Acudí a la Dra. para una cirugía. No ha podido ir mejor… desde luego mis expectativas las ha superado con creces. He valorado mucho su puntería en saber lo que necesitaba. Excelente profesional, excelente trato y excelente equipo. Super recomendable.
Magdalena Weitemeier
Magdalena Weitemeier
I highly recommend Dra. Patricia Martinez and her wonderful team! I had a breast augmentation with her one month ago, and the entire process was seamless and exceeded all my expectations. Dra. Martinez is not only highly skilled but also incredibly kind and attentive, making me feel comfortable and confident every step of the way. The results are truly amazing, and I couldn’t be happier. If you’re considering a procedure, Dra. Martinez is an outstanding choice!
María Dolores Madoreblaz
María Dolores Madoreblaz
Mi experiencia con la Dra. Patricia Martínez ha sido inmejorable desde la primera consulta. Es una excelente profesional, muy amable y con una gran calidad humana. Atiende con mucha paciencia y te explica todas las dudas. Hace un mes me operó de Rinoplastia y ha sido un éxito. Estoy super contenta con el cambio. Realiza la intervención quirúrgica con un buen equipo y sigue el postoperatorio con mucho detalle e interés. Mi agradecimiento a María por su ayuda y dedicación. Recomendable al 100%.

Dra. Patricia Martínez


La Dra. Patricia Martínez Andrés es cirujana plástica titulada vía MIR. Está colegiada y es miembro de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica, Reparadora y Estética (SECPRE).

patricia martínez

Cirugía plástica, estética y reparadora
Nº colegiada 0203922

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