Who is a candidate for breast reduction?

Reduction mammoplasty or breast reduction is a fairly common surgery among all plastic surgery interventions. But who is a candidate for a breast reduction?
The candidate for a breast reduction
It is a surgery that women usually consult for when they present symptoms associated with breast hypertrophy (or large breast size, including gigantomastia), such as neck pain, back pain, bra marks, rashes on the undermammary folds, etc. They also often have difficulty finding underwear (bras), bikinis, and playing sports, especially impact sports such as running.
It is less common for patients who consult for breast reduction to do so for aesthetic reasons, although it also occurs occasionally. In fact, although aesthetically they do not like having large breasts, they usually consult because of the discomfort they cause, and additionally for aesthetic reasons.
Candidates to undergo a reduction mammoplasty or breast reduction are, therefore, any woman who feels the discomfort associated with having a large breast and which we have explained above, or any woman who does not feel comfortable with the volume. and the fall of her breast.
At what age is a breast reduction performed?
It is an intervention that is performed in all age groups, from young girls who have completed their body development, patients in middle age of life to older patients who decide to take this step at this moment in their life.
Improvement in quality of life
In any case, it is a reason for significant improvement in the quality of life of women who undergo breast reduction. It relieves the associated discomfort, they begin to carry out activities that they could not do previously – especially sports -, they achieve an improvement in their appearance, it is easier for them to find underwear, and they even change the way they dress. Apart from, of course, feeling much lighter and more comfortable, and looking slimmer without having actually lost weight.
Dr. Patricia Martínez is a registered plastic surgeon, member of the College of Physicians of Valencia and SECPRE (Spanish Society of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery).